For Companies

We are the experts in strategic and tactical internationalization processes. Our competitiveness is based on a lengthy background in business ventures involving cross-border matters and foreign business practices. If you are trying to find the solution for risk minimization and maximization of your potential growth at any stage of your company’s internationalization process, Hultin Partners is what you are looking for.

Hultin Partners is an advanced consulting service provider related to the modernization of Russian industry. Companies from Finland and other European countries should take advantage of our special skill – exceptional ability to open the doors to the modernization projects of Russian companies.

For Business Development Organizations

Hultin Partners offers comprehensive services for business development organizations. The services include promotion and enhancement of enterprise internationalization in organization-specific region. We are familiar on a professional level with all the challenges that companies face when entering new markets. We also possess extensive knowledge about public and private business operations in Russia and Europe. By partnering with us you will get access to our unique competences, which will accelerate your internationalization process.

For Public Sector Clients

Efficient trade and industry development together with successful internationalization development and promotion require innovative, sound and adequate solutions. This is the precise case of Europe - Russia cooperation. Hultin Partners has an extensive experience of cooperation with governmental authorities, creation of new concepts and implementation of new solutions for EU-Russia collaboration matters. These competences allow us to provide our clients with unique added value for their businesses .


Market Scan & Surveys

Obtaining rich and reliable knowledge about new target market is not always as easy as it looks, especially in the case of SMEs. Hultin Partners in collaboration with its local partners has created a Market Scan, highly efficient service for SMEs aiming to expand internationally.

Market Scan provides quick, precise and cost-efficient market analysis taking into account, for example, possible legal obstacles, product competitiveness and other features. Possibilities to participate and capitalize on the modernization projects of Russian enterprises are analysed.

In addition to it, Hultin Partners also offers wide-scale, tailor-made market analysis and business studies.

Learn more about our Market Scan in Russia

Partner Search

Our team's professional background, experience and established network benefit clients in the process of search and building of reliable partner relationships. We look for and analyze partner candidates according to the client's criteria and, owing to our exceptionally well-developed inter-organizational relations, we verify the potential partners history to ensure reliability.

Hultin Partners Partner Search Service always provides concrete results and recommendations.

Internationalization Plans & Strategies

For both private and public sector clients Hultin Partners develops tailor-made plans, strategies and feasibility studies on internationalization ranging from high-level plans to in-depth analyses.

The services vary from business expansion step-by-step plans in new markets to analyses of cooperation possibilities with governmental authorities, business development organizations, educational institutions and non-profit associations. Our extensive experience of collaboration with different countries and wide international network guarantee to our customers high-quality internationalization plans and strategies assuring real added value and innovative solutions for their businesses.

Plans and strategies related to the business in Russia are aspects in which Hultin Partners has an exceptional competence and remarkable achievements. It you are already operating in Russia and would like to explore more efficient ways for your activities, our Business Model Analysis is an excellent method to realize it.

Learn more about our Russia Strategy Service

Learn more about our Business Model Analysis

RepShowRoom Service in Russia

RepShowRoom service has been developed for the needs and wishes of many companies. The service combines a professional, strong presence, an innovative, international and secure environment, active sales, and exceptional networking opportunities. It is a modern, affordable and effective way to approach the Russian market, to participate in the modernization projects or expand operations in Russia.

Developed in cooperation with Swiss Technopark MobaHaus, RepShowRoomservice is the perfect alternative for one-two persons representative office that usually are relatively costly, inefficient and highly vulnerable. RepShowRoom is clear and easy starting step which will help you to have representative office with low-cost, networking access and assistance of local experts.

Read more about RepShowRoom Service in Swiss Technopark Moba Haus

Modernization Service in Russia

Excellent networks and advanced service processes make Hultin Partners the leading provider of modernization services in Russia. If your company is interested in participating and capitalizing on the modernization projects of Russian companies, Hultin Partners’ Modernization Service and ModMatch concept offer the opportunity both for individual customized participation and as a member of consortium.

Corporate & Startup Services

Every market has its own characteristics and every country has its own way of doing business. Awareness of these elements is a key factor for successful business internationalization and expansion.

With years of experience in SMEs' operations both in Europe and Russia, Hultin Partners is in a unique position to offer assistance for the establishment and startup of successful businesses in new environments.

Moreover, besides engagement as board members of local subsidiaries, incorporation and office services, Hultin Partners serves as a trusted advisor for its clients in the areas connected with our business specialties.

Learn more about our Representation Services

Learn more about our Business Model Analysis

Learn more about our Russia Strategy Service

Market & Sales Solutions

Our unique international network allows us to find and establish for our customers the most suitable and adapted solution for marketing in the Russian market taking into account the selection of wholesalers, distributors, agents and retailers.

In addition to advisory services, Hultin Partners offers tailor-made success-based commercial solutions in the selected market channel assisting the clients with finding right agents, representatives, facility providers and import partners.

Moreover, in cooperation with our partners, we also offer logistics solutions, customs clearance, certification and other related arrangements for the Russian market.

Learn more about our Sales Channel Solutions

Learn more about our Russia Strategy Service

Legal Services

Hultin Partners in cooperation with its partners, including among them the affiliated Hultin & Co., provides its clients with business oriented legal services focusing on general corporate and commercial law, mergers and acquisitions and dispute resolution.

Business life is full of wanted and unwanted surprises. With Hultin Partners' legal services you can forget all the problems.

Learn more about our Legal Services

Funding Solutions

Hultin Partners offers comprehensive advisory on funding solutions. Our experts and network partners have versatile experience both in public and private funding in Europe and Russia.

We assist our clients with developing and creating funding strategies and project plans, submitting applications, gathering funding “baskets”, as well as providing them support during the funding negotiation process.

Learn more about our Funding Solutions

Project Management

With many years of experience in the sector, Hultin Partners has become an expert in the field of development management, investment and funding projects, as well as ventures in public and private sector. Hence we are able to provide high-quality result-oriented project development and management services for governmental agencies, organizations and private sector clients.

Among other services, our portfolio includes general planning and project implementation, design of cooperation concepts and models. We are also providing assistance with setting up and partner search for consortia projects.

We possess years of experience in planning and organizing international summits and events for companies and organizations with excellent results. European & Russian Cross Border Business & Golf event is the trademark and one of the most exciting initiative of Hultin Partners.

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